April 4, 2015

When The Shackles Fell Away

When The Shackles Fell Away

By George Thurlow

Never will I ever
Forget that blessed day
When my soul was liberated
And the shackles fell away.

Out of pain and darkness,
Into His marvelous light,
He reached down and touched me,
And I received my sight.

From dreariness, despondency,
Depression and despair,
The Gentle Shepherd rescued me
And showed me that He cared.

Then a flame began to flicker
Deep within my heart;
I had desire to live again...
Hope became the spark.

A strange warmness filled this vessel
That once was icy cold;
I felt a sense of belonging,
A part of the Master's fold.

Soon I was making melodies
From somewhere deep within...
Singing praises to my Savior
Who set me free from sin.

I was bursting with new energy,
Excited now to live...
Full of love and gratitude
Just wanting to give and give.

Oh never will I ever
Forget that blessed day,
When my burdens were lifted
And the shackles fell away.

  "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
John 8:36