February 6, 2016

The Outpouring

The Outpouring
By George Thurlow
Copyright November 12, 1996
Row by row a sea of heads
Wall to wall they stand,
Swarming in to seek the Lord...
The resurrected from the dead.
Guided by the Spirit
They've come to find the light,
And discovered now a beacon
Shining in the night.
Slain bodies at the altar,
Some prostrate or kneeling down...
Worshipping the Savior
In the new life they have found.
Angelic music fills the air
And messages in tongues...
Glorious exaltation
In the new words that are sung.
God's pouring out His Spirit,
All are bathing in the Oil,
Drinking of the New Wine
And relishing the spoils!
Broken bodies now are being healed,
The crippled no longer lame...
Those who have been suffering
At last are free from pain.
Emotional burdens lifted,
Tears of joy fill every eye
For the Father's throne is reached
He has heard His children's cries.
Come now, all is ready,
Get underneath the spout...
For the Promise of the Father
Right now is pouring out!

Acts 2:1-4

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.


February 3, 2016

Repairer Of The Broken Heart

Repairer Of The Broken Heart
By George Thurlow
Copyright November 29, 1998
All those who feel so sorrowful
In discouragement and despair,
Come unto the Savior
Broken hearts He will repair.
If you are so saddened
With no hope left in sight,
He's the One you're seeking,
Your escape from endless night.
If you can sink no lower,
You're at the bottom of the pit,
You feel that no one loves you
And you're just about to quit...
Look up for there's a shaft of light
And an arm reaching down to you;
You haven't been forgotten
For there's One who cares for you.
Jesus is your lifeline;
He'll pull you to the top.
He'll place His love within you
And cause the pain to stop.
He'll lift your heavy burden
So that you can cope.
He'll make your heart fill lighter
As He fills it up with hope.
He's the repairer of the broken heart
Only He can seal the cracks;
And give you joy and happiness
And everything you lack.
Open up your heart to Him;
He's knocking at your door.
He offers life worth living
And joy forever more.


February 1, 2016

The Arena Of Prayer

The Arena of Prayer
By George Thurlow
Copyright December 9, 1998
I am least of Your children,
But I know You hear my prayers...
When I call upon You
I am assured that You are there.
Together we are partners,
Accomplishing Your wilI:
In this empty sanctuary
So silent and so still.
Entering in Your very throne room
My petitions then are heard.
At once You are attentive
To each and every Word.
Here giants are defeated
And mountains tumble down,
Where impossible situations
Have a turn around.
Where the enemy is trampled
And demons flee in fear,
For they know that there is power
When Jesus' name they hear.

The dragon again defeated
In this supernatural ring:
The enemy is no match
For the King of Kings.

As warriors charged with power
Not derived from our own might,
But endued with the Holy Spirit
We tread on lofty heights.

Through the power of Christ's precious Blood
And the authority of His name
In this prayer arena
Victory is proclaimed!

Psalm 144:1
Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

The Finish Line

The Finish Line
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 28, 1999
He who begun a good work in me
Help me win this race.
Empower me to finish;
I want to see You face to face.
Let nothing of this earthly life
Stand in the way,
Causing me to stumble
Or my faith to sway.
Keep me ever watchful,
Never unaware,
Dwelling in the Spirit
To escape the devil's snares.
Let no situation
Person, place or thing,
Ever deter or hinder
My service to the King.
Keep my nose right to the altar;
Down on my knees in prayer:
For a continual refreshing
By Your Spirit there...
Let me run this course with vigor,
Never looking back:
Progressing ever onward
Not off the beaten track.
Get me to the finish line
Let me hear the Words "Well done";
Successfully completing
This earthly marathon.
Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou
hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the lord.