September 28, 2024

Go Forth

The Holy Ghost gave me a new poem this morning at the kitchen table. I share it with you with the sense of urgency and exhortation that I received it in. The time draws so near to Christ’s return. “Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision”. Population of the earth over 8 billion!!!!

Go Forth ©️

By George Thurlow

September 28, 2024

Go forth and be not hindered 

By the happenings of the day.

He Who’s True and Faithful 

Has His hand on you always.

Be not shaken by the natural

Nor frightened by what you hear:

You are born again of the Spirit

And have put on spiritual ears.

You have become a brand new creature

And are seated in heavenly places.

You’ve been ordained and chosen

No longer fear the faces.

Go forth and spread the Gospel 

In the power of His might;

Endued with the Holy Spirit

Salt of the earth and light.

Be about the Father’s business,

Occupy until Christ comes:

Strive to do His bidding 

Until the Word is heard “Well done”.