January 21, 2022

The Solution for the Pollution

The Solution For the Pollution

By George Thurlow


Christ’s the solution for the pollution

Going on inside one’s head

Banishing fear and confusion

Imparting peace instead.

Resolving all the quandaries

That upset your apple cart

Granting satisfaction 

And a contented heart. 

He’ll change your expectations

And give you a positive view 

Transforming defeated attitudes

 That were fixated just on you.

Christ will bring forth revelation

As to the purpose for your life

Equipping the strength and power

To triumph over strife.  


He’ll radicalize your thinking

As He drives away the blues

Conveying hope and cheerfulness

To a brand new you.

George Thurlow photo

January 12, 2022



By George Thurlow 


In my pickup at the seashore 

Just Rusty dog and I

As sequential revelations 

Sweep across the sky.

Beholding sights celestial

Exquisite to the eye

That very few shall witness 

Save those who early rise.

Light shows unimaginable 

Ethereal displays

A masterpiece in progress

As God paints a brand new day.

Then Holy Ghost disclosures 

As I read His written Word

Edifying my inner man

By the whisperings that are heard.

And deep within my spirit

There is a dawning too

As the Holy Spirit speaks to me

Of the Kingdom Truths.

Dawnings in the natural realm

And dawnings deep within 

Great blessings of rising early

To fellowship with Him.

January 8, 2022

A Soul Set Free

A Soul Set Free

By George Thurlow 


Are you festering and stewing

On some hurt from long ago

Daily perseverating

And you just can’t let it go?

Has a disappointment

Made you all uptight

You’re stuck and can’t get past it

Though you try with all your might?

Do you feel imprisoned

Locked up in your own mind

Stressed and greatly anxious 

Never finding peace of mind?

My friend there is an answer

There’s a way to be set free

To be rid of all the anguish

That plagues you constantly.

Jesus is the answer

He will surely make you whole

When you give Him access 

To your heart and soul.

He will take the bitterness

Anger, hurt and pain

Thoroughly cleanse and wash you

And remove each sinful stain.

Jesus is the answer

For all your hurt and strife

If you would but surrender 

He’ll grant a brand new life.

The Blessings Box

                                        George Thurlow Photo

 The Blessings Box

By George Thurlow

©️ 1/8/22

As I was praising Father

For a blessing received today

Joy leapt in my spirit 

For all His blessings every day.

Then I thought of the hymn 

That is so often sung,

“Count your blessings

 Name them one by one”


Then suddenly it came to mind….

Create a “Blessing Box”

What wonderful things 

God’s done for me

They are to be forever treasured

For His goodness and mercies

Towards me can not be measured.

So starting today I decided 

To daily jot them down

At the end of the year review them

As the old year winds down.

This box of blessings for encouragement 

On some day I might be low

And to serve as a reminder

Of how much God loves me so.

To serve as testimony

And as a witness to His grace

For a brother or a sister

In some trouble that they face.

I will daily record my blessings

“I will name them one by one”

At the end of the year rejoice 

Over “what the Lord has done.”

January 1, 2022

Our Loving Father


Our Loving Father

By George Thurlow 

How mindful you are 

Of your children’s needs,

Working out the intricacies

In answer to our pleas.

You never get disgusted 

Each time we’re in a mess,

Long-suffering, and so patient 

Never reacting like we’re pests.

In fact you seem delighted 

In coming to our aid,

Pleased that we have called on you

In faith have knelt and prayed.

You’re truly a loving Father

Who cares for His very own

Freely giving audience 

And access to your throne.
