January 18, 2016

Fellowship With My Savior

Fellowship With My Savior
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 8, 1997
The Lord awakened me gently
In the middle of the night
To pray and fellowship with Him
By the flickering candle light.
I sang hymns of glorious praises
To the One that I adore,
And lifted my hands in worship
While I knelt there on the floor.
And the joy came sweeping over me
And formed a stream of tears,
Like an ever flowing fountain
As I felt His presence near.
By appearance all was dark and still
From outside my little home;
But inside a different story
For His Glory was pouring down.
Heaven itself had opened up
With the angels I worshipped and sang.
Oh the majesty and beauty!
The splendor in which He reigns!
Soon the morning sun arose
Yet His presence was still near:
He talked with me as I read His Word,
And He lent His listening ear.
And together we interceded
For all His lost and wandering sheep,
That they would enter into the Shepherd's gate
And their souls He could safely keep.
And our fellowship continued
 Throughout the busy day...
Ever present by my side
As I continually prayed.
When ragged limbs and weariness
Beset this mortal frame,
He said "It's time to sleep my Son;
You've had a busy day".
And He sat down beside my bed,
And I fell fast asleep;
Still we fellowshipped once more
Deep within my dreams.