January 28, 2016

From Testing To Testimony

From Testing To Testimony
By George Thurlow
Copyright March 8, 2000
In our lives come situations
We would rather not go through,
But for those of us who trust Him
God comes shining through.
Opportunity has arisen
To glorify the Lord:
Just praise Him in the darkness
And stand upon His Word.
By singing songs of Zion
In the midst of stormy seas,
It's then we bless and thank Him
 Before the victory.
 Our faith will rise above the clouds
In the middle of the trial:
Giving assurance that our testing
Will only last awhile.
Then comes a testimony
With others we can share,
Through the faithfulness of Jesus
One never need despair!


Come Aside

Come Aside
By George Thurlow
Copyright May 31, 2000
Come away and rest in me
Away from stress, adversity.
Lay your burdens at my feet,
All your needs I'll gladly meet.
Come aside, and have a talk.
Unload your heart; let's take a walk.
Child your troubled mind I'll ease;
Pour in your soul my perfect peace.
Come aside and don't you fret.
Have I ever failed you yet?
Child, I always give my best;
Just come aside and have a rest.
"And He took them, and went aside privately into a desert place."
Luke 9:10

Keep The devil Behind You

Keep the devil Behind You
By George Thurlow
Copyright May 7, 2000
Keep the devil behind you
Always at your back;
Don't accommodate him
Or cut him any slack.
Don't let him overcome you
By messing with your mind;
Claim the Blood of Jesus
He can't cross that line.
Keep your life so free of sin
There'll be nothing he can do;
When the devil comes a prowling
He'll have nothing pinned on you.

Matthew 16:23
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

January 25, 2016

EL Shaddai

El Shaddai
By George Thurlow
Copyright January 26, 2016
When you're in the doldrums
And life has got you down:
You're overwhelmed and burdened
Swamped and gone aground...
Call upon the Savior;
He hears your every cry.
He has a fleet of angels
Waiting on stand-by.
He'll pull you through the knot hole
And out the other side.
You'll come out triumphant;
They'll be a changing of the tide.
Through all obstacles and opposition
You're on the winning side:
You will always be the victor
Through the Lord our El Shaddai.
Poem inspired by a sermon series by Rev. Merle L. Mitchell on the "Glorified Christ Revealed" delivered on 1/24/16 and a statement made that through El Shaddai ,"We can triumph over all obstacles and opposition". 

*El Shaddai is the Hebrew name for God Almighty who is the all powerful one, the all sufficient one, all bountiful one.

January 24, 2016

Say Not That It's Impossible

Say Not That It's Impossible
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 24, 2000
Say not that it's impossible
For a thing to come to pass:
Just take a look around you
At this world so vast.
God spoke it into being
And He is just the same;
Nothing is impossible
When you call upon His name.
No situation is too great
Nor circumstance too small.
Christ is the problem solver;
Your petition's not too tall.
Problems are God's specialty.
Just go to Him in faith,
For He is delighted
When you seek His face.
Say not that it's impossible
For a thing to come to pass,
But that I have a Father
No problem is too vast!

Matthew 19:26

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

January 23, 2016

Faith Flight

Faith Flight
By George Thurlow
Copyright July 27, 1999
I leapt from the limb like the little bird
Trying out his wings:
How wonderful to trust Him
What an awesome thing!
Fear had tried to hold me fast
To the safety of the nest,
But I heard the Spirit calling...
"Step out and you'll be blest"!
In obedience to His bidding
I leapt into the air
And instantly was soaring
With the Spirit there.
Having passed this test of faith
I'm prepped for greater ones,
I'll be trusting and obeying
When the Spirit bids me "Come"!

January 18, 2016

Fellowship With My Savior

Fellowship With My Savior
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 8, 1997
The Lord awakened me gently
In the middle of the night
To pray and fellowship with Him
By the flickering candle light.
I sang hymns of glorious praises
To the One that I adore,
And lifted my hands in worship
While I knelt there on the floor.
And the joy came sweeping over me
And formed a stream of tears,
Like an ever flowing fountain
As I felt His presence near.
By appearance all was dark and still
From outside my little home;
But inside a different story
For His Glory was pouring down.
Heaven itself had opened up
With the angels I worshipped and sang.
Oh the majesty and beauty!
The splendor in which He reigns!
Soon the morning sun arose
Yet His presence was still near:
He talked with me as I read His Word,
And He lent His listening ear.
And together we interceded
For all His lost and wandering sheep,
That they would enter into the Shepherd's gate
And their souls He could safely keep.
And our fellowship continued
 Throughout the busy day...
Ever present by my side
As I continually prayed.
When ragged limbs and weariness
Beset this mortal frame,
He said "It's time to sleep my Son;
You've had a busy day".
And He sat down beside my bed,
And I fell fast asleep;
Still we fellowshipped once more
Deep within my dreams.

January 11, 2016

Heights Of Glory

Free Praise and Worship PowerPoint

Heights Of Glory
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 26, 1997
I've been climbing up Jacob's ladder,
Been up to see my dad:
What a sensational session
Of fellowship we had.
When down upon these mortal knees
I spend my finest hours,
For there I am transported
By the Spirit's power.
Lifted from temporal plains
Yet feet upon the earth,
In the Spirit I know ecstasy
A barrage of heavenly mirth.
Nothing here can touch me
Stayed in the heavenly realm;
I become a spiritual giant
No devil can overwhelm.
I swim in Ezekiel's river
The waters of rapturous delight,
And splash in the warmth and beauty
Under rays of celestial light.
I drink from a crystal fountain
And my heart is filled with glee.
The way I found to get here...
Spending time upon my knees.
In these heights of Glory
I never want to leave,
And through the Holy Spirit
I come as often as I please.

January 1, 2016

Time Steward

Time Steward
By George Thurlow

Copyright December 16, 2008

Lord, help me not to waste this day
Nor let it slip away:
  Give me the opportunity,
The Good News share today.
Order my steps and guide me
To redeem the time;
Help me be a faithful steward
For all I have is thine.
Let every precious second
Bring glory unto you;
Let every deed and action
Be as you would do.

In This New Year

In This New Year
By George Thurlow
Copyright December 29, 2008
Like the fresh fallen snow
That covers where we've been,
The old year now is passing
And a new one's ushered in...
And like the Blood of Jesus
That washes every sin,
We can put the past behind us
And begin again.
No fretting and regretting
Just forging on ahead
To the high prize of His calling
Pleasing Him instead.
Not shirking only working,
Our agenda on the shelf...
Seeking the Kingdom and His righteousness
And crucifying self.
One eye upon the heavens,
But our hands upon the plow;
Looking for His coming,
But occupying here and now.
Believing and receiving
His power for mighty deeds;
Leaving the comfort of our cushioned pews
To follow the Spirit's lead.
Laying hands upon the sickly,
Seeing their bodies again be well...
Casting out the demons,
Trampling the gates of hell.
Our mission, the Great Commission,
His command the Word to "Go"
Not huddling in the trenches
Bearing tales of woe...
But to be as mighty warriors
Not hindered by anything,
Taking dominion and authority
As soldiers, priests and kings.
A new year now is dawning,
And as good stewards of this time,
Let's give our all to Jesus
And keep our lives in line.
Matthew 28:18-19
"...All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
Mark 16:15-18
"...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."