February 28, 2015

Beyond All Reason

Beyond All Reason
By George Thurlow
Beyond all reason,
Beyond all sight,
Beyond all senses,
And what seemeth right...
Beyond all physical evidence
And confirmation from above:
Faith rests in quiet confidence
In assurance of His love.
Beyond earthly limitations,
Beyond that which we can feel,
Beyond the realm of time and space
And all that seemeth real...
Beyond human impossibility
And a finite mind:
Faith clings to every promise
And trusts in the divine.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

God Is Not Elusive

 God Is Not Elusive
By George Thurlow
My God is not elusive,
Conjured by mystical chants,
Encountered through altered consciousness
Or repetitious rants.

Special mantras aren't required.
Just His name will do.
In fact, while you are searching
He is reaching out to you.

Ornate candles don't impress Him,
Nor incense of rarity,
For He desires a humble heart
And repentant sincerity.

He avails Himself to every man,
Not playing hard to get.
Whosoever calls upon the Name...
Contemplate on that!

His purpose is not emerging.
From the foundation it was laid.
Restoration and redemption,
Through Jesus Christ was made.

God's not found in man-made plans,
Power Point upon a wall...
Psychology, business management,
God guffaws it all.

It is through the Holy Spirit
Convicting man of sin,
And through His gentle wooing
Drawing men to Him.

It is through the Blood of Calvary,
And the rugged cross,
At the altar of repentance
For the removal of the dross.

My God is not elusive...
He condescended for fallen man.
He's not hidden in the shadows,
But extends His loving hand.

"For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts
shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching
ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the
truth, and shall be turned unto fables. "
2 Timothy 4:3-4

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"
Romans 10:13



February 21, 2015

Smile Through The Trial

Smile Through The Trial
By George Thurlow
Cast not away your confidence.*
Don't let your countenance fall.
Though under trial, continue to smile
And be a blessing to all.
For your life is an open epistle**
Read and known of man.
Give glory to God, not self-absorbed;
A soldier of Christ must stand.
 Your conversation is a witness,
A reflection of Jesus Christ.
Be a radiant bloom, not a shadow of gloom;
Be strong in the midst of strife.
Brother keep marching forward.
Do you best to be faithful and true.
Honor the King, in everything
Reward is waiting you.

*Hebrews 10:35 -"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward".

**2 Corinthians 3:2- "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men".

February 15, 2015

Don't Let Your Heart Be Stolen

Don't Let Your Heart Be Stolen
By George Thurlow
"Don't let your heart be stolen"*
And from the Savior fall away.
Don't grow weary in the waiting,
Be vigilant and pray.
For the Bridegroom's surely coming
In an hour you know not when.
Do not become complacent
And let your light grow dim.
Stay filled with the Holy Spirit,
Have eager watching eyes.
Expect Him any minute
To appear in the skies.
Anticipate the Glory
Of your meeting face to face.
Keep your lamp light burning
Don't smolder in disgrace.
Be about the Father's business,
Not idle, sluggish, slack:
For surely is the promise
The Groom is coming back.
*"Don't let your heart be stolen."
Quoted from a message based on Matthew 25 given on 5/8/2005 by Rev. M.L. Mitchell of
Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.


The Blood Of Christ

The Blood Of Christ
By George Thurlow
Oh precious Blood,
Untainted Blood,
 Clean and purifying.
Powerful Blood,
Preserving Blood,
Holy and Sanctifying.
Living Blood,
Atoning Blood,
For sin does still erase.
Redeeming Blood,
And healing Blood,
Door to the Throne of Grace.

February 14, 2015

No Trespassing

No Trespassing

By George Thurlow

Upon my life a sign is posted...
Though invisible to the eye,
Sending a message to the devil,
Good riddance and goodbye.

No trespassing on God's property.
So loud the warning rings.
No crossing o'er the Blood line
Per edict of the King!

Hands off the Master's property
I'm a temple of the Holy Ghost,
Warning: guard on duty
Protected by Heavenly host.

This child has been delivered
So satan take the clue,
Vacate the premises
Disease and sickness too.

You do not dominate me
From your kingdom, I’m removed.
No trespassing on God's property,
Devil that means you!


Impossibilities, God's Opportunities

Impossibilities, God's Opportunities

By George Thurlow

Rejoice in your extremity
For a miracle's at hand.
Opportunity for God's glory,
Are the impossibilities of man.

Severity of circumstance
Need not cause us grief,
If we truly trust Him
And don't waver in unbelief.

Mountains are just illusions
Not obstacles in our way...
We have power to command them
When we speak the Word and say.

Do not fret and worry,
Unbelief can never win...
For the Bible tells us
What's not of faith, is sin.

If you want the victory
Don't murmur, moan, and pout.
Jericho was conquered by
Faith walking and a shout!


Give It Over To Jesus

Give It Over To Jesus

By George Thurlow

Why is it my friend that you insist
On keeping your load of cares,
When Jesus died and paid the price
Your sorrows He longs to bear?

Why should you stay so miserable,
Your day so filled with strife;
Just give it over to Jesus
That's why He gave His life?

Why do you let the stress of life
Eat at your peace of mind;
If you put the Kingdom first
Then His rest you'll find?

Why do you care what others think
There's only One to please;
The Author and Finisher of our faith
And His hands hold the keys?

Why do you let your worries
Get the best of you;
For He has promised abundant life
And to provide for you?

And why hold on to anger
And things from long ago;
Christ will heal the bitterness,
But you must forgive also?

My friend He's the only answer
For all your hurts and cares;
Take them to the foot of the Cross
And then just leave them there.

February 7, 2015

A Thankful Heart

A Thankful Heart
By George Thurlow
 Copyright October 30, 2008
A thankful heart is a faithful heart,
Standing firm through thick and thin...
Shouting forth His praises
Though the circumstance be dim.
A thankful heart is a steadfast heart
That doesn't grumble and complain.
It looks upon past victories
Saying, "The Lord will do it again"!
A thankful heart is a happy heart
Content in everything.
It's confident of God's watchful eye
So joyfully can sing.
A thankful heart is a servant heart
That desires to give and give,
Out of love and gratitude
So others too might live.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".

Ovine Christmas Perspective


Ovine Christmas Perspective
By George Thurlow
 Copyright December 9, 2008
Something never mentioned
About that special night,
While the shepherds were rejoicing
And the angels shone so bright.
As the music filled the heavens
The herald angels had their say
Announcing the Messiah's birth,
And the manger where He lay...
Out on those hills of Bethlehem
The flocks were led to graze,
And hearing of the Savior's birth
They too were so amazed.
The long awaited Promise,
The precious Lamb of God...
The permanent, perfect sacrifice
Now dwelt on earthly sod.
No longer sheep for slaughter
and sacrifice for sin,
They too released from bondage
Because of the grace of Him.
I believe there was a celebration
Out there upon the hills.
 The lambs all prancing merrily
And hence they ever will.

One Step Away

One Step Away
By George Thurlow
One step from here to Glory.
One step from here to hell.
One step into eternity,
Would your soul fare well?
One breath, one single heartbeat
Then the silver cord be loosed...*
One final destination
It's up to you to choose.
One way, one road, one Savior.
One path that leads to God...
One personal decision
To be washed in Christ's own Blood.
One step from here to heaven.
One step from here to hell.
One step into eternity,
Would your soul fare well?
"...but truly as the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between me and death".
1 Samuel 20:3

Tools In The Master's Hands

Tool's In The Master's Hands

By George Thurlow

But for just a moment
Be affliction light,
With Grace that's all sufficient
As balm for our plight.

Stepping stones to blessing
Veiled by darkest night...
The eternal weight of Glory
Exceeding earthly height.

Troubles and tribulations,
Just tools in the Master’s hands,
Transforming the temporal
To His eternal plan.

They are but light afflictions
Not worthy to compare,
To the Glory that will be revealed
When we get over there.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Romans 8:18
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us

February 1, 2015

Morning Songs Of Praise

Photo by George Thurlow 2/27/16

Morning Songs Of Praise
By George Thurlow
 Copyright June 21, 1998
I love the sounds of morning
Ringing out upon the earth:
The shrillness of the robin's song,
The merriment and mirth.
A song to his creator,
A loving note to raise,
Not a barrage of petitions
Just sweet melodies of praise.
He has no fears or worries
Of what the day will bring,
For the Master is always faithful
To provide him everything.
And like his friend the sparrow
God watches over him,
And takes notice when these feathered ones
Fall from sky and limb.
I too have learned to trust Him;
I have no cause to fear:
For He lives within me
And His presence is always near.
I can join the morning chorus
And cheerfully offer praise
To my Lord and Savior
For a brand new day.