February 20, 2023

Don’t Throw Away Today


By George Thurlow


Don’t throw away the present day

By fretting about tomorrow.

Treasure every moment…

Troubles do not borrow.

Cast down the imaginations,

Trust God every hour;

For He is all sufficient,

Full of grace and power.

Be thankful for the time at hand;

Strive to do your best.

Be generous with your praises 

Then let God do the rest.

Don’t throw away the present day

Regretting things gone by…

They’re under the Blood of Jesus;

Press on and do not sigh.

Put your efforts in the present;

Draw your strength from Him.

Let your steps be ordered 

By the Great I AM.

February 18, 2023



By George Thurlow


Hitherto, Christ has been been so faithful;

I have not weathered the storms alone.

Never once was I abandoned

To go it on my own.

Stalwart, strong and steady

With His hand in mine…

He enabled me to stay the course

Each and every time.

The new year- it won’t differ.

Past records bear the proof,

Though the unknown lies before me,

I am yoked up to the Truth.

Though shadowy be the road ahead

And uncertain every step, 

I am confident that the way He leads

Is His purpose, will, intent.

At the threshold of this brand new year

In the Vine I will remain.

Hitherto my Lord's been faithful

Here on out, will be the same.

1 Samuel 7:12 - “ Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.”